DTI Thailand delivered Sea Tiger AAPC 8x8 Amphibious Armored Personnel Carriers to Royal Thai Marine Corps
According to a report by Defense Studies, the National Defense Technology Institute (DTI) delivered its 8x8 "Sea Tiger" Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier (AAPC) to the Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC) during the Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise (CALFEX), as part of the Royal Thai Navy's (RTN) annual exercise for Fiscal Year 2023.
Read full news at this link...
DTI delivered its AAPC 8x8 "Sea Tiger" to the Thai Royal Marines during CALFEX (Combined Arms Live Fire Exercise) of the Royal Thai Navy’s annual exercise (Picture source: Royal Thai Navy) |
from World Defence News https://ift.tt/73pUazr
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